The War Years


I took the following photographs of Falcon men on duty during 1978.

Tony Goodburn, Bryan Roff, Bill McQuade, Nigel Ashby

Graham Armstrong, Peter Philips, Frank Reed, Roy Ashby


Tony Davey, Ray Hoole, John Stakesby-Lewis, Ted Marais

Ian Stewart, Gordon Macdonald, Mike Mylne, Alan Taylor


During the war years we were responsible for escorting civilian vehicles between Esigodini (the Essexvale) and Beitbridge.  This took up most of our weekends and holidays.

Cars assembling at the service station in Essexvale



The Stick Leader briefs the civilian drivers



Riding Shotgun



A break in the journey at Todd's Motel



Todd's Motel



My rifle taking a break while I do some photography



The turn-around at Beitbridge: about three hours to get there

and three hours back again


After two civilian aircraft were shot down in the Zambezi valley using heat-seeking surface to air missiles, precautions had to be taken.  These included very steep ascent and descent above the airport, as well as matt paint and camouflage.  Also notice the exhaust stream deflector on the closest engine on this Air Zimbabwe Rhodesia Viscount, taken in September 1979.


On to the Muzorewa Elections

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