Founders' Day 1979

Founders' Day 1979


The start of the 100m




Roy Ashby, Peter Philips, Graham Armstrong, Ron Reeve-Johnson,

John Stakesby-Lewis, Nigel Ashby


Van and Thelma van Wyk (now Thelma Mylne)


Tony Gane, John Stakesby-Lewis, Graham Armstrong, Peter Philips, Roy Ashby,

Bill McQuade, Gail Kelly, Ron Reeve-Johnson


Tony Gane, Peter Philips, Graham Armstrong, Ron Reeve-Johnson


Tony Goodburn above, Gail Kelly and Roy Ashby below

The end of the day: Tug-of-War

The Founders Team:  (Leader unknown), Stubbs, unknown, Schur, unknown, A. Thomas, 

Cochrane, E. Thomas, unknown

Hervey House Leader: Hopkins


The Hervey Team: Wesson, Hart, Wolton, Rutledge, Pretorius, Werner,

Gilbert, Wright


On to the War Years

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