Appendix Two: Location of Primary Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Sources

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Location of Primary

Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Sources

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    The texts are all located in the British Library, and to enable the reader to identify exactly which copies I have used, I append the shelf numbers in the British Library Catalogue.  The works are identified here by short or abbreviated titles; for full bibliographic details the reader is referred to the relevant section of the Select Bibliography which follows this appendix.  Publication dates are those claimed by the editions themselves.


(a) Shakespearean Texts


First Folio (1623): G 11631 (original copy and microfilm), and C.39.i.12

Second Folio (1632): C.122.g.2

Third Folio (1663): C.122.g.3

Fourth Folio (1664): 80.1.3


Love's Labour's Lost (Quarto of 1598): C.34.1.14

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Quarto of 1600): C.34.k.29

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto of 1602): Huth 48

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto of 1619): C.34.k.27

The Merchant of Venice (Quarto of 1600): C.34.k.22

Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto of 1600): C.12.g.29

Pericles (Quarto of 1609): C.12.h.5

Sonnets (Quarto of 1609): C.21.c.44


(b) Other Texts


Beaumont, Francis and Fletcher, John.  Fifty Comedies and Tragedies (Folio of 1679): 643.m.17

Brinsley, John.  Lvdvs Literarivs (1612): C.27.c.38

Certayne Sermons, or Homilies (1547): C.25.g.5

Elyot, Thomas.  The Boke Named the Gouernour (1557):

Hoole, Charles.  Old Art of Teaching Schoole (1660): C.27.a.39

Jonson, Benjamin.  Works (Folio of 1616): G 11630

Lyly, John.  Endymion (1591): C.34.d.9

Peele, George.  Old Wives' Tale (1595): 162.d.53

The Bible and Holy Scriptvres (1562): 3036.g.7



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